
Juan Manuel
Pérez Pardo

Personal Page

Logo Fibonacci


Perspective over Computational and Applied Mathematics (MSc). Lecture Hours: 84
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
2023, 2022, 2021.

Calculus. Lecture Hours: 118
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
2023, 2019.

Vector Calculus. Lecture Hours: 412
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010.

Espacios de Hilbert, Wavelets y Teoría de Muestreo (MSc). Lecture Hours: 21
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Numerical Methods in Biomedicine. Lecture Hours: 28
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Numerical Calculus Laboratory. Lecture Hours: 58
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Numerical Methods in Engineering. Lecture Hours: 89
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
2011, 2010.

Fundamentos de Física: Dinámica y Calor. Lecture Hours: 90
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

PhD Students

Ángel Aitor Balmaseda Martín. Quantum Control at the Boundary.
Start: September 2018. End: 26 November 2021.
Coadvisor: Alberto Ibort.

MSc Students

Javier Pedrouzo Ares. Numerical Implementation of Optimal Control Methods for Infinite Dimensional Quantum Mechanical Systems.
Start: September 2023. End: July 2024.

Fernando Bellido Pazos. BNumMet: A Scholar implementation of Numerical Methods in Python enhanced with interactive widgets.
Start: September 2022. End: June 2023.

Jorge Gutiérrez. Modelling of Josephson Junctions and Superconducting Circuits based on Quantum Graphs.
Start: September 2021. End: September 2023.

Ángel Aitor Balmaseda Martín. Quantum Control at the Boundary: an application to quantum circuits.
Start: September 2017. End: September 2018.
Coadvisor: Alberto Ibort.

BSc Students

Eloy Fernández Bermejo. Numerical Solutions of the Optimal Control Problem in Quantum Mechanics.
Start: January 2023. End: September 2023.

Juan Camilo Bucheli Victoria. Implementación de rutinas básicas de cálculo numérico de código libre con interfaz gráfica.
Start: September 2019. End: September 2020.